Thursday, November 19, 2009

Love Without Ego Is Prayer

You may feel like everything is great in your relationship. But if you don't continue to work on it, if you don't renew your commitment everyday, it will quickly disintegrate. A relationship takes constant effort to keep it fresh and alive.

You should have a good characteristic in your persona : Love, because love can create trouble as well as joy. And since love can create great trouble and can create great joy as well one has to be always awake since love is our basic chemistry. If you are alert about your love energy then everything goes in the right direction.

You will never be in trouble if you always love something higher than yourself, something bigger than yourself. What people does they tend to love something lower than themselves, something smaller than themselves. You can always control the smaller, you can always dominate the smaller so as to feel good within yourself, so as to feel satisfactory within yourself. Since you can feel good with the inferior because you feel superior - your ego is fulfilled. The moment you create ego in your love.........the journey to hell begins; because fact remains that when you live fully ego disappears and when ego lives fully you disappear!

Always love something higher, something bigger in which you can be lost and which you cannot control - you can be possessed by it but you cannot possess it. Then you live fully and ego disappears; and love without ego is prayer.