Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Woman Is Man's Soulmate When Love Grows

More often than not a man will be unable to make a commitment because he compares his new partner to some perfect fantasy woman of his dreams. He may love a woman, but wonder if he is making the right decision to be with her! He wants to make sure he gets the best woman he can. By expecting his soulmate to be perfect, he does not give himself a chance to find true and lasting love.

To find a wife of his dreams is a daunting task. It needs much effort or skill to find the wife of his dreams. After marriage one spend the rest of his life with her. Man look for a soulmate and also the mother of his future children. If one is lucky to have come across a girl and both of have fallen in love with each other then one is naturally not faced with the problem of looking for a wife.

But man postpones making a commitment because he is expecting perfection. He imagines that his soulmate is perfect. He does not have a realistic perspective of relationship and people. A soulmate is not a perfect person. In fact, there is no such person. A soulmate is perfect for him.

The realization that a woman is man's soulmate happens when love grows, the perfect way to know if our partner is right for us. This recognition is not a mental assessment. It is a natural knowing.

The right person for us is recognized by our souls and not by our mind. The soul does not figure things out. If we try to figure out if a partner is right then we will be judging her from our mind. If we continue to judge her from our mind's perspective we will find an array of flaws. So to pick a soulmate we must choose from our soul.

There are several ways you can meet and get the wife of your dreams. It could be in the dance, meditation or yoga class. You could meet her on a cruise or at a charitable organization. Joining dance classes is another common way of meeting partners. Men and women cannot dance without a partner and you are sure to meet women here, with whom you can interact on a one-to-one basis. Other classes are yoga or aerobic classes, where most of the members are women. It could be enjoyable for you and you can get fit at the same time.

Did you know that most charitable organizations are run by women? And most of the people working there are also women. You could offer some time and try to assist to one of the neighbourhood charitable organizations and it would help you to interact with the women who work there. You will appear to them as a caring person for volunteering to work for them and sparing them the time.

Ideally we should use our minds to figure out how we most efficaciously give and receive love and support. As we succeed in the dating process by using our minds, our hearts begin to open. With an open heart, a relationship can grow to a greater height.

When men loves women they begins to shine with love, happiness, joy and contentment. Mostly men expect that this sparkle to last forever. But to expect their loving nature to be constant is like sun to shine all the time. What men donn't understand that life is filled with a particular pattern of this kind - day and night, summer and winter, cloudy and clear. Men should be aware that a woman's ability to give and receive love in her relationship is generally a reflection of how she is feeling about herself.