Monday, August 10, 2009

Become A Man That Women Yearn To Sleep With !

Life is like a garland. You don’t see the thread that runs through the flowers, holding it together. If the thread is not there the flowers will fall apart; there will be a heap of flowers but not a garland. Similarly, if there are no men and women there will be no love, no relationship. In fact opposite sex brings the very existence of the word “Dating”.

If you think of dating you think of love and if you think of love you become love, because whatsoever you think starts taking roots in you. Love comes like a breeze: it comes when it comes. Breeze is a symbol of freedom, of an unpredictability. It is a symbol of life which is not worried about having a goal, achievement, but a sheer enjoyment of the moment...

Your looks are only 20% of what a woman is looking for in a relationship. And if you happen to be above a certain “acceptable” levels of looks; let me tell you, this level is low, lots of UGLY guys make the grade and you can bypass this 20% TOTALLY and make the whole of a woman’s attraction be about WHO you are and HOW you act, instead of what you look like, or how much you get paid…

So, regardless of your looks, age and financial standing – YOU can make young beautiful women attracted to you, seduce them at your leisure and make them fall in love with you with frightening regularity.
You should know that there are NO easy one-liners that actually work well in a relationship. Girls hear one-liners all the time and when they hear a cheesy line from you, they presume you're after one thing and then they reject you! The more times you're rejected, the harder the dating game seems and the lower your confidence plummets.

You should know how to attract beautiful women, how to seduce a woman easily and properly, how to turn women on in seconds, how to get women into bed as often as you like, transform yourself into a guy women want even if you are poor or ugly and being in Love......

I am not saying that one has to always remain in love: in remaining in love with a woman forever one again misses something. Fall in love and get out of it!! Then you are enriched, immensely enriched. Go to the depths of it and then rise back to the surface.

But for that you will have to stop masturbating completely, only then will you become interested. If your energy is flowing in masturbation you don’t have enough energy to be turned on by a woman. That’s where you are blocked. Stop masturbating completely, then you will be boiling with energy! Only then naturally... you are throbbing with energy, and that throbbing energy will make the breakthrough possible. And then don’t be afraid. It is always frightening to move with a woman because men and women are of two different species. They look alike but they are not. Just on the surface they are alike; the insides are so different. That makes a guy a little afraid that one is getting into trouble, but that trouble is worth it. Try it ! Become a Man that Women yearn to Sleep with !

How to make your relationship better, How to make a strong bond in relationship, How to understand women and use it to your sexual advantage and how to create bio-electric sexual chemistry Click Here:

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